
Where did you find me - Google

How did you find me as a coach/instructor - Fantastic! Friendly, calm and patient.

How were my teaching methods - Great! Thorough explanations and kept my confidence up. After having my confidence knocked in the past by other instructors, Mike helped me to gain my confidence back and was there to help me with my driving journey.

Couldn't have asked for a better instructor.

Would you recommend me to others - Absolutely!



Mike has been an incredible instructor throughout all of our lessons. I used to feel really nervous and unsure behind the wheel with my previous instructor, but everything changed when I started driving with Mike. From the very first lesson, he made me feel at ease and completely comfortable. Mike is exceptionally kind, patient, and calm. He explains things in a way that's easy to understand, which made the learning process much smoother. His clear and straightforward approach helped me pick up skills quickly. Even when I made mistakes, he remained calm and provided constructive feedback in a positive and easy-to-understand manner. I honestly can't think of any way to improve Mike's lessons; they were consistently 10/10 and I really appreciate all the hard work he put into each lesson. If you're considering lessons with Mike, I highly recommend! You definitely won't regret it. Thanks so much, Mike, and best wishes forthe future!


As a coach and instructor, I found Mike to be very relaxing and positive. He made me look forward to driving lessons which I wasn't very keen on before starting them. Mikes teaching methods were simple but very effective and allowed me to learn very easily and not be overloaded with information which led to me passing first time on my driving test. If a certain method didn't work he would tweak it so it was more suited to me. I would highly recommend Mike as a driving instructor, he's very positive and friendly and builds up your confidence over the course of the lessons and he's able to put your mind at ease if there's any areas of driving you're unsure about. I'm very happy to of been taught by him!
Charlie Hook


I found you on google I just searched driving instructors. I think you are a very good instructor, I was nervous and lacked confidence when I started with you and you were always patient, reassuring and never made me feel stupid for my mistakes. I really liked your teaching methods they were supportive and informative so I always understood what I had done wrong without a telling off or shouting. Which for me created a really good learning environment. I genuinely couldn't think of a way for you to improve, 10/10 in my opinion. And I would definitely recommend you to others, my twin brother has already said he'll go with you when he starts learning :)


After a year of weekly lessons, I've finally passed my driving test and I owe it all to Mike. Finding him after a quick Google search was like finding a hidden gem in the sea of automatic driving instructors; despite having to wait a few weeks for availability, it was unequivocally worth it.
Mike's approach as a coach is unparalleled. His teaching methods are not only effective but also memorable and fun. Phrases like "Joe public" and "a road is a road is a road" will forever echo in my mind when I'm driving alone, serving as quirky yet profound reminders to relax. His unique style made learning enjoyable, and for the first time in 7 years, I found myself genuinely looking forward to each lesson. The progress report card was a brilliant touch, visibly mapping my journey from a bundle of nerves to a competent driver.
It's challenging to think of areas for Mike to improve; his coaching style is that exceptional. His patience, high-quality lessons, and ability to maintain a calm atmosphere played a significant role in my development. As someone who started as a very nervous driver, Mike's demeanor and teaching strategies put me at ease, making the impossible seem possible as the weeks went by.
Comparing Mike to my previous instructor is like night and day. Where I once felt under pressure and doubted my abilities, Mike instilled a sense of calm and trust in myself. He has a natural talent for making you laugh and feel comfortable, even in moments where you think you've made a silly mistake. This positive environment was crucial in building my confidence and I will be forever thankful.
Most notably, on the day of the test, Mike's support was invaluable. Sitting with me in the test center, he helped me stay calm and focused, embodying the very essence of a supportive instructor. His ability to inspire confidence is truly remarkable.
Would I recommend Mike to others? Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt—a million percent. For anyone who has ever felt anxious behind the wheel or believed they couldn't pass their driving test, Mike is the instructor you NEED by your side. He's not just a driving instructor; he's a confidence builder, a motivator and an exceptional teacher. Thank you, Mike, for not just teaching me how to drive, but for helping me believe in myself. 7 years into my driving journey, I wish I'd found you sooner!


We spent time reviewing online, looking at driving instructors in the area, checking their testimonials and found Mike to have very good reviews and no waiting time. I found Mike to be very approachable, easy to talk to and able to give constructive feedback in a very professional way. He was very calming in his approach and assisted greatly in helping me pass my test. If I wanted to go over a manoeuvre he would do this with no issues. Mike is very experienced in his delivery of driving techniques. He has a fool proof method of all manoeuvres such as parallel parking and reverse parking. I genuinely cannot think of anything to improve. I found Mike to be a great instructor, very experienced and also a great laugh along the way.


Mike was recommended by a friends instructor. Mike as a coach was wonderful, he took the time to plan out each lesson with me so I had a clear view of what the lesson would involve. There was never a point during any lesson where I got 'told off' or made to feel like I was useless (unlike a previous experience I'd had with a different instructor) if something went not to plan, Mike would get me to pull over and we'd talk it through but it was always done in a 'here's how we can make that go better next time'. He takes the time to really talk you through everything, and if there's anything you're nervous or unsure about he approaches it in a professional, caring way, again really taking the time to fully explain a manoeuvre or aspect you are struggling with. Mike is so friendly and can Instantly put even the most nervous learner (me!) at ease. As much as I'm beyond happy that I have passed my test I'll miss mikes easy chatting from the passenger side. While learning with Mike I recommended him to work colleagues and would highly recommend him to anyone looking to learn. If he can teach me to be a good driver he can teach anyone! Thank you so much again for everything Mike.


My name is Anita. When I was looking for automatic driving lessons I found Mike from his website and I could contact him straigt away. Mike is very good and patient instructor and his teaching methods I found great. Even when I did mistakes, he explained everything so I could understand, giving excellent tips what I could do differently to drive safe and confident. I honestly don´t see what you could do better, my learning experience with you was great. To others I would definitely recommend driving lessons with you! P.S. And I am the person, who few years ago said that I would never be a driver. Thank you so much!


My names Amy Haigh and I originally found Mike through his website. I reached out to Mike and he got in contact with me straight away and arranged our first lesson as well as getting a feeling of what I already knew about driving. It was great to see how quickly Mike got in contact with me when an earlier slot opened up. As an instructor, I couldn't have asked for anyone better! I'd had a few lessons with another instructor previously which had really made me dread lessons but Mike was absolutely amazing. He put me at ease straight away and really adapted his approach so that I understood everything my way. Even if things did go wrong, Mike took the time to talk through what had happened and never made me feel stressed. Mike really made me feel confident when driving and really ensured that i had everything spot on before my test. I can honestly say that there is nothing I would change about how Mike instructs and would absolutely recommend him to anyone looking to drive!


My name is Leanne bell i found Mike on Facebook when looking for a new driving instructor Mike made me feel at ease straight away explained everything clearly and stopped when we did something wrong to explain why it was wrong or how to avoid it Mike taught me how to read the road ahead and how to prepare ,i was really Happy with with Mike And all his tips all around great instructor thanks again Mike.


My name is Grace, I found Mike from his website and I managed to find Mike's contact details on his website as well. I found the teaching methods excellent really helped making me feel calm and made me feel really confident. I found the driving lessons helped me learn so much, and I always felt at ease even if I had made a mistake Mike always explained what I could do differently in a way I could understand which I feel like made me learn things much quicker! I would 100% recommend Mike to people who are looking for driving lessons!! I honestly couldn't say what you could do differently everything seemed spot on !


My name is Kirstyn Payton. I found Mike on google when searching for local driving instructors, and also checked out his website. His teaching methods were always easy to follow and made me feel confident in my ability to drive. Lessons were always filled with a comfortable atmosphere, and each lesson was always something to look forward to. I always felt at ease during lessons. even when i was filled with anxiety when approaching my test date it was easy for me to relax into a lesson. Would 100% recommend. Honestly, I don´t think there´s anything differently that could be done, best driving instructor I´ve had.


I have no reservations in recommending Mike as a driving instructor for learners at any stage of their process! I moved from the USA where I had been driving for several years and needed to pass my practical test here in the UK. My partner and I found Mike via Google and he initially started working with my husband while my availability didn't quite match up. My husband gained confidence immediately after his first lesson, so when our schedules agreed some months later I started taking lessons with Mike. I'd had lessons with a couple of other instructors in the interim, but found Mike's style of teaching and easy demeanor to be the best fit for my learning. When my confidence faltered, he was earnest in raising my spirits. He is patient, honest, and calm above all else. I had biweekly hour and a half lessons for a couple of months while awaiting my test date; easy chat as well as comfortable silence kept me at ease. This schedule was agreed on with Mike after my first lesson according to his assessment of my driving and my own opinion of test readiness. He checked in continuously about how I was feeling about my test and my comfort levels on the road. My favourite part of his instruction is when we would pull over after encountering a learning moment and he would bring out a three ring binder with laminated pages and a dry erase marker to visually explain the situation. Learning with Mike has been a joy. Happy to have passed first time with his patience support!


I was struggling with manual so I decided to shift to automatic, thats when I contacted Mike which I found on google while browsing for automatic lessons in Cheltenham. He responded promptly on my inquiry taking all my availabilities. Very knowledgeable! All lessons were well planned and handled in a professional and calm manner. All bad habits were corrected and gave appropriate advice on each driving faults. I highly recommend Mike for all who wants to pass their test and be a confident safe driver on the road.


Mike is an amazing driving instructor he was able to get me passed in under a year, Covid lockdowns included, with 2 minors! I've always recommended Mike to my friends who aren't driving yet as I find his teaching methods really positive and helpful as I was a nervous driver before but after the first lesson I came home and said how much a really like driving now. If there's things that need improving Mike will let you know but will always follow up with things you did well which when learning something new stops you getting discouraged. I did the hour and half lessons which were a good amount of time to get things done and actually drive the car. I found Mike on Facebook messaged him and he called me the same day to get details and to let me know when he was able to have me start. I can't thank Mike enough for always been so lovely and supportive. Would recommend Mike to everyone!


I'm Harry, My partner found Mike's driving school through a google search looking specifically for an automatic instructor. I was quite anxious about the whole process but Mike really put me at ease. I found Mike to be encouraging and always a calming and safe presence. I never felt rushed or under challenged and we progressed through the syllabus at a pace that felt right to me. He was extremely thorough with making sure I was prepared for all the aspects of passing my test. Mike also went beyond to ensure I came out of the process as a good driver as well as being able to pass the test, I feel well prepared.


My name is Frances Harvey & i have just recently passed my test first time with only 6 minors! I have nothing but praise for Mike as he was patient and how he explained how to do something was nothing but exceptional. I would 100% recommend Mike to anyone who is in the areas he covers & looking for an instructor, he's brilliant & it's been a pleasure learning from you!


My name's Arisara. I found Mike online, I was looking for driving instructor for nearly 2 weeks but i didn't have any luck until I found Mike, I found the email on his website so I emailed Mike and he got back to me very quickly. He was very good, friendly , very helpful and patient. After my first lessons he was able told me how many lessons I need to pass my driving test. He gave me a lot of tips for all parking , he was not just teach me how to drive or how to pass my test but he was teach to be good driver and drive safely. I highly recommend him.
